Kindly be kept continuous connection/communication with us, clear their questions, doubts & remove their confusions. As that of requested above we have very much persecuted by the system, due to this we are financially week. Please kindly accept this bitter truth. Therefore very limited numbers of this VISION DOCUMENT have been printed and being distributed. A soft copy is also available with us, so by internet and other means of communications, we shall be send it, if is demanded.
for this a brief account has been given in appropriate Chapters of this VISION DOCUMENT.
Therefore it is expected from our missionary-brothers & sisters, for implementation of this inventive VISION DOCUMENT and Project Plan suggested for election scheme.
But all these things are on vigorous increasing order. And as that of we have described above, Indian Democracy in other Chapters it appears that we have to get rid of this Democracy.
These are all the grounds/bases on which we claim that: PARRAD is the only first and alone Political Party of India. PARRAD clearly wanted to finish Mobocracy.
Hence, the PARRAD claims, logistically, that, so long as, public-representation could not be established according to the proposed Scheme till than, not only in India, even in whole of this Indian Sub Continent peace, property, human development, in real since, as that of ‘Millennium Goal 2025’ determined by United States Organization, could not be possible to achieved.
Excessive and long timed injustice make a man as anarchical and hostile, which become the reasons of unrest and fragmentation in the society. Indian society is very fastly moving towards all these problems. All these things are serious concerns to the PARRAD.
a campaign had been launched against pollution (water, air and sound), but in other side the same Ruling Class is engaged in all above mentioned pollution-increasing activities; with this it has kept his dominancy on heavy income and profiting.
, for their liberation. And then in real sence, real, proportionate and distribute public representation shall be established and in real scence Democracy shall be established in India.
Living Democracy of the World !!! crumbled and shattered, completely. PARRAD took all the aspects/thinkings described in this Chapter very seriously.
Now the question is –trillions of trillions Rupees has been inputted (expended) (which have ultimately gone into the pocket of Ruling class) to so many advertising agencies/platforms, for publishing/broadcasting this aid-clip, several times for so many years, but what is the out put (result) ? Contrary to this today India is at the verge of home-war due to communal-cast-hatred !! Hence, the PARRAD shall be study regarding all these issues/subjects with regards to scientific, logistic and ration
All these things we have to make them understand and convince.
Sathi haath badhana, sathi rey! Ek akela thak jayega, Milkar bojh uthana!! Sathi haath………….!!
Indian society is not an Ideal society, but a conglomerate of so many sub-societies & Ethnic groups. The field workers of The PARRAD shall also formed different types of Morchas/Prakoshths, as per demand and requirement. But here, fundamental principle of ‘proportional-representation’ and missionary zeal shall have to be kept in mind.
Module’, specially module of ‘Village-Development’ and for this it’s approaches and styles are there, basically and in reality all they serves, resulted and proved to be as : ‘Devastation / Destruction’ for the Ruled / Exploited Classes. Not even this, all they inflict violations, indirectly proved to be as slow invasion and like a genocide. When the time will come and when it is required we shall throw light, on all these subjects / issues, comprehensively. Hence PARRAD is putting forward its S
PARRAD shall be launched programmers/shames/projects to regularized, normalized, rationalized and proportionalized all the exaggerations and extremities found in India.
PARRAD shall try its best to launch at Country-wide/level one or two such type of T.V. Channels and News Paper/Magazines; those may be able to full fill the objects of the PART IV-A : FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES, of the Constitution of India and can counter all the negative trends those are floating in the Indian societies.
be solved, and there shall not be any radical changes. So also, so long as, this Ruling Class is remains in power, there is no any hope at all.